


Many of you who were at the unveiling would have seen this filmed message from Pam Henry-Lamm.

Pam is the 99 year young widow of Captain Myles Henry. Pam was 8 months pregnant with their daughter, when Myles was posted ‘missing, believed killed’. It was many months before Pam learned for certain of his fate.

Myles was the Battalion’s Intelligence Officer and was killed on the 19th September during the Battalion’s withdrawal towards Wolfheze, across the Polish LZ.

Pam has sent this beautiful and poignant message from 11,000 miles away in Auckland, New Zealand – enjoy and reflect.

On this the 75th anniversary, spare a thought for those lovely young people, and thousands of others, devastated by the tragedy and disaster of Operation Market Garden.

Pam says that she and Myles were not ‘unique’, but I think you will agree that they are pretty special.

We will remember them.

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Thank you!

Thanks to some outstanding donations received during the last few weeks, I am delighted and somewhat overwhelmed to announce that we have now raised well over £100,000. This will guarantee the completion and unveiling of the Memorial on the 7th September.

We have received £20,000 from Rich Greasley and Lee Crichton, from the proceeds of the amazing PAG Charity Ball.
We have received £10,000 from Sir David & Lady Samworth.
We have received £20,000 from Barratt Developments PLC.

We are, of course, NOT forgetting the huge generosity from all and every one of you who put your faith in this amazing cause – without you this would NOT have happened. Over £100,000 in a little more than 18 months is nothing less than astounding!! THANK YOU.

There have also been some very generous “donations in kind” that have made an enormous saving on our budgeted expenditure.
Bridgebank Ltd are supplying free of charge, all the groundworks, site preparation and materials for the memorial and memorial garden – many thousands of pounds worth.

However, we continue to fund raise. Our ongoing charity objectives of education and maintaining the legacy of the 10th Battalion will not stop with the erection of the Memorial.

We met recently at the Matt Hampson Get Busy Living Centre. Our President, Lady Jennifer Gretton, was able to acknowledge the generosity of some of our core supporters The GBLC is adjacent to where the Memorial will be sited.


The photographs show:

Dawn & Fred Wilson of Burrough Court who have donated the wonderful site.

Asgoo Pirbhai, of Reach Marketing, who has given huge amounts of time and resources over the past two years.

Matt Hampson and his team who are giving us the use of their facilities for the unveiling. With whom we are forging a bond between injured sportsmen / women and the ethos of the Parachute Regiment. As Louis Deacon put it so well – ‘a synergy exists’.

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